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Code 201 Reading Notes

Class 11

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Images HTML book: (pp.406-427)

images tutorial with examples *W3Schools

Image Sprites

An image sprite is a collection of images put into a single image.

A web page with many images can take a long time to load and generates multiple server requests.

Using image sprites will reduce the number of server requests and save bandwidth.

Image Sprites > reduce the amount of images your browser has to load.

Practical Information HTML book (pp.476-492)

Analytics > Traffic / pulse / trend / patters etc (feedback by user engagement)

Search Engine Optimization [SEO] > Helps users find your site through search engines.

Domain required for web hosting.

FTP orograms allow you to transfer files from local computer to the web.

Are you down with FTP?

How to use FTP for File Transfer:

To transfer files via File Transfer Protocol (FTP), you need to establish an FTP connection. To make an FTP connection you can use a standard Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) or an FTP Client. To transfer a file with FTP you need to have an FTP account for the web space you are going to transfer the file to.

When using a web browser for an FTP connection, FTP uploads are sometimes very slow, and downloads are not protected (not recommended for uploading or downloading large files).

FTP Client Software

An FTP Client is a software designed to transfer files back-and-forth between a computer and a server over the Internet. It needs to be installed on your computer and can only be used with a live connection to the Internet.

With an FTP Client (such as FileZilla, Cyberduck or Transmit) uploading/downloading a file is really easy. Furthermore, FTP clients have some extra features. For example, you can resume a download that did not finish successfully. This is a very nice feature for people with slower Internet connections.

FTP clients’ interface is usually divided into two – the panel on the left shows the files and folders on your computer (Desktop, My Documents, etc,) and the panel on the right displays the files on the remote server (if this is your website hosting account, you will see the public_html folder, where the files of your site are stored).

FTP Tutorial Siteground

FTP File Transfer

File transfers are made by simply dragging and dropping files from one pane to the other. Additional features of the FTP Client include multiple file transfers at a time, auto-resuming of the transfer, file queuing and more.

Skim Flash, Video & Audio (pp.201-206)

What is an FLA file?

File Type - Adobe Animate Animation

An FLA file is an animation project created by Adobe Animate, a program used to draw and publish interactive animations. It contains graphics, video, text elements, audio, and other assets. FLA files are often saved as .SWF files for use on the web as they are viewable in most web browsers with the Flash plugin.

When you open an FLA file in the Animate environment you will see five main parts. The environment includes a (1) stage that shows the visible area, a (2) timeline that controls the timing of the elements, a (3) tools panel that contains tools for working with elements in the project, a (4) property inspector that displays information about elements, and a (5) Library panel that stores media elements.

NOTE: Animate was formerly known as Flash, which was originally developed by Macromedia but then merged with Adobe in 2005. Flash became Animate in 2016.

What is an FLA file FileInfo

.SWF File Extension

File Type - Shockwave Flash Movie

An SWF file is an animation that may contain text, vector and raster graphics, and interactive content written in ActionScript. It is saved in the Adobe Flash format, which was discontinued by Adobe on December 31, 2020.

SWF (pronounced “Swiff”) files were commonly used to bring animated graphics, video, and sound to the web in the 2000s and 2010s. They were also a popular means of delivering browser-based games. SWF was originally an acronym for “Shockwave Flash” since the SWF format was designed for Shockwave Player. However, as SWF files became a standard means of publishing Flash content on the web, the acronym has been modified to mean “Small Web Format,” as well.

Content developers primarily used Adobe Flash (now Animate), Flash Builder, and After Effects to create SWF animation. The files could be played by the free Flash Player or with a web browser that had the Flash plugin installed.

However, as web technologies improved, Flash became increasingly criticized for its shortcomings, which included performance and security issues. Adobe and many web browser developers officially ended support for Flash on December 31, 2020.

NOTE: FutureWave and Macromedia first developed Flash in the 1990s, and then Macromedia was acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005.

.SWF FILE FileInfo


From the Duckett HTML book:

Additional Resources Bookmark/Skim

Flash is no longer supported by many browsers but is an important part of history.

This MDN article on audio and video elements.

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